Agenda 2022
24.02.2022 : AMSCI & EUROMETAL Steel Trade Webinar (Zoom)
28.03.2022 : EUROMETAL Online Presidency Meeting
12.05.2022 : EUROMETAL SSC Arbeitskreis, Neuwied
14-15.09.2022 : EUROMETAL Regional Meeting Southern Europe, Milano
22.09.2022 : UK Steel Forum, London
05-06.10.2022 : EUROMETAL Regional Meeting Nordics, Stockholm
28.03.2022 : EUROMETAL Online Presidency Meeting
12.05.2022 : EUROMETAL SSC Arbeitskreis, Neuwied
14-15.09.2022 : EUROMETAL Regional Meeting Southern Europe, Milano
22.09.2022 : UK Steel Forum, London
05-06.10.2022 : EUROMETAL Regional Meeting Nordics, Stockholm
Upcoming Events
09-10.11.2022 : EUROMETAL International Steel Trade Day, Antwerp
02.12.2022 : EUROMETAL Presidency Meeting, Luxembourg
02.12.2022 : EUROMETAL Online General Assembly
02.12.2022 : EUROMETAL Presidency Meeting, Luxembourg
02.12.2022 : EUROMETAL Online General Assembly

EUROMETAL evolved to become even more member oriented service provider, gathering all operators of the steel intermediation chain: National Federations, International Associations, Steel Service Centers, Steel Distributors, Steel Traders, World Steel Supply Chain Operators and Associated Steel Stakeholders.
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