EUROMETAL Steel Trade Day 2020 – Facing the Slide in Global Steel Trade

Dear members and colleagues,
Trade restrictions are closing global steel supply chains in a year threatened by Covid-19 contamination.

This unprecedented pandemic has shaken steel demand and supply forecasts.

EUROMETAL Steel Trade Day, to be convened online on 20 November 2020, will address the status of consultation on EC planned Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), anti-Circumvention investigation on HDG products from China, AD measures to several other product categories imported from China, UK safeguard measures and the reaction of the EU in terms of adapting its own safeguard measures following, RCEP free trade agreement and overcapacity in the world steel industry.


Welcome & Compliance: Daniel Guinabert (EUROMETAL)
Webinar Moderator: Alexander Julius (Macrometal / EUROMETAL)

14h05 David Boublil (European Commission DG Taxation and Customs Union)

  • Status of consultation on EC planned Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

14h35 Yuriy Rudyuk (Van Bael & Bellis)

  • Anti-Circumvention investigation on HDG products from China
  • AD measures extended to several products imported from China
  • UK safeguard measures and the reaction of the EU in terms of adapting its own safeguard measures following 1 January 2021

15h05 Emanuele Norsa (Kallanish Commodities)

  • Overcapacity in the world steel industry
  • Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) free trade agreement between China and ASEAN countries

15h35 Alessandro Sciamarelli (Eurofer)

  • View on the expected steel demand and supply situation 2021, and the relevance of imports

16h05 Conclusions: Fernando Espada (EUROMETAL)

Register now for this outstanding free online event.
(20 November 2020 from 14h to 16h30)