Turkey’s coated, rod EU TRQ usage becomes critical

Turkey-origin organic coated sheet, wire rod and two tube and pipe categories have rapidly increased EU tariff-rate quota (TRQ) utilisation, Kallanish notes from the EU customs portal.

The organic coated sheet category is nearing full quota utilisation, with 1,280 tonnes remaining out of a 15,889t quota for Turkey-origin imports. This leaves 6% of the total quota still available.

For wire rod, 6,052t remain available out of the 119,011t quota, leaving 5% of Turkey’s TRQ still open.

Hollow sections have completely exhausted their quota, while large welded tube and other welded pipe have just 2% and 1% of their TRQs open, respectively.

The largest category, hot-rolled sheet and strip, have seen moderate usage, with 58% of the 475,174t quota still open, leaving a balance of 279,147t.

Turkish steel products EU TRQ allocation (tonnes)
Product Quota 01.10- 31.12.2024 Imported Balance Awaiting allocation Remaining Available TRQ %
HR sheets, strips 475,174 196,026 279,147 3,628 275,519 58
Organic coated sheets 15,889 14,609 1,280 281 999 6
Stainless CR sheets, strips 21,057 8,234 12,823 241 12,582 60
Merchant bars, light sections 107,140 18,403 88,738 520 88,218 82
Rebar 95,436 48,790 46,646 0 46,646 49
Wire rod 119,011 112,959 6,052 0 6,052 5
Railway material 1,574 436 1,137 0 1,137 72
Gas pipes 49,976 32,232 17,744 955 16,788 34
Hollow sections 99,462 99,462 0 0 0 0
Large welded tubes 15,096 14,732 364 3 361 2
Other welded pipes 38,497 38,134 364 3 361 1
Wire 51,946 15,288 36,658 626 36,032 69

Source: EU TARIC, as of 25 October. Calculated by Kallanish

Elina Virchenko UAE
