UK-based GENIUS Materials Technology says it has developed a new series of high-strength austenitic stainless steels to replace the majority of existing grades in the 300 Series.
“Their strength properties are equivalent to Duplex and Super Duplex stainless steels, whilst their ductility and toughness properties have all the advantages that are normally associated with austenitic stainless steels, particularly at sub-zero temperatures, but at the same time possessing far superior corrosion resistance,” metallurgist Dr Ces Roscoe says in a note sent to Kallanish. “The [trademarked] N’GENIUS Series advanced technology has also been applied to develop an extensive range of corrosion resistant alloy line pipe grades.”
The world currently produces over 50 million tonnes/year of stainless steel, of which austenitic grades account for more than 70%. But aside from a limited number of higher-alloyed and niche grades, the majority of available materials have not changed significantly since the 1960s, GENIUS says. Demand is however increasing for stronger, more durable and environmentally-friendly material.
The new series will enable engineers to design products with reduced wall thicknesses, using less material and making products easier to handle and transport to site. This can also lead to weight savings and an overall reduction in construction and project costs, and ultimately contribute to lower carbon emissions, GENIUS adds. Buyers can also select alloy types that are less sensitive to alloy surcharge, relative to higher alloyed grades, leading to savings in overall project costs.
Adam Smith Germany