Fernando Espada, CEO of TATA Steel Distribution Spain, was unanimously reelected by the delegates of the General Assembly (2th of December 2021) as EUROMETAL President.
Furthermore, EUROMETAL General Assembly elected and relected the following officers to the board of EUROMETAL Presidency:
Furthermore, EUROMETAL General Assembly elected and relected the following officers to the board of EUROMETAL Presidency:
- Alexander Julius, Macrometal, Germany
- Cédric Bouzar, ArcelorMittal Downstream Solutions, Luxembourg
- Helge Runer, Stål og Metallgrossistenes Forening, Norway
- Julian Verden, Stemcor, United Kingdom
- Laurent Noirclerc, FFDM, France
- Lorenzo Biagi, Marcegaglia, Italy
- Norbert Thumfart, ARGE-SMD, Austria
- Philippe Jaud, Tata Steel Distribution Europe, Netherlands
- Robert Kay, Ferona, Czech Republic
- Roberto Gonzalez, UAHE, Spain
- Tayfun Iseri, YİSAD, Turkey
- Thomas Niederhofer, Knauf Interfer, Germany
EUROMETAL Director General
- Andreas Steffes - treasurer(a)
- office(a)