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European Flat SSC Distribution have increased Shipments during 2015

In 2015, shipments of strip mill products to steel end use segments by European flat steel service...

Eurometal welcomes new president, extends geographic membership

The new management committee, or presidency, of steel distribution trade association Eurometal has...

SMDI: Steel remains king in automotive supply chain

Advances in steel aimed at reducing vehicles’ average weights and improving their fuel economies...

First meeting of New EUROMETAL Presidency

The newly elected EUROMETAL Presidency met for the first time in Düsseldorf on 19. January 2016...

Eurometal membership extends to the Baltics

One of the main Estonian steel distribution groups has joined the ranks of EUROMETAL, the EU steel...

German mills discontinue scrap pricing survey

A regular monthly scrap pricing survey compiled from data collected at Germany’s steel mills has...

UK demand solid but ‘judgement day’ is coming: NASS

The National Association of steel service centers has warned the model of buying forward in a...

Newsletter AIIS December 2015

Te counter-intuitive weather of late December 2015 seems very much like an exclamation point to all...

In 2015 EU steel distribution deliveries developed in a more positive way than in US

In first 10 months of 2015, deliveries to steel end use segments by European flat steel service...

EUROMETAL elects Tata’s Lauber president

Jens Lauber, ceo of Tata Steel Distribution Mainland Europe, has been elected president of...

Liberty Tubular Solutions opens for business

Liberty House tells Kallanish that it has moved a step closer to creating what will be the...

Juncker charmeert kmo’s

De Europese Commissie en zijn voorzitter Jean-Claude Juncker willen de economie zoveel mogelijk...
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