EUROMETAL organized last Friday its Steel Trade Webinar on the subject “Facing the slide in global steel trade” in a year threatened by Covid-19 contamination.
This online event got over 150 registrations and was attended by 125 participants.
Mr David Boublil from European Commission DG Taxation and Customs Union started by exposing the status of consultation on EC planned Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).
As usual at EUROMETAL Steel Trade events Mr Yuriy Rudyuk, Partner at Van Bael & Bellis, presented the EU measures affecting trade in steel: Anti-Circumvention investigation on HDG products from China, AD measures extended to several products imported from China, UK safeguard measures and the reaction of the EU in terms of adapting its own safeguard measures following 1 January 2021.
Mr Emanuele Norsa, Steel Editor at Kallanish Commodities, highlighted the overcapacity in the world steel industry and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) free trade agreement between China and ASEAN countries and potential impacts for EU steel markets in coming years.
The event was concluded by a scope on the expected steel demand and the supply situation in 2021 with relevance of imports presented by Mr Alessandro Sciamarelli, Director of Market Analysis and Economic Studies at European Steel Association (Eurofer).
EUROMETAL intends to continue with this format of online conferences until the end of this pandemic.