ArcelorMittal leads technology hub for decarbonisation in Spain

ArcelorMittal has agreed to partner with energy company Repsol, carrier Iberia, and cement giant Holcim Group to create a large industrial technological and innovation hub.

The so-called All4Zero joint venture will manage the development of decarbonisation and circular economy projects in Spain, Kallanish reports. This is a strategic alliance for the four companies to find common ground on the path to reduce emissions and encourage the reuse of waste and by-products in the steel, energy, aviation, and cement sectors.

“At All4Zero we contribute to the development of those technologies that offer promising solutions to the challenge of the energy transition and climate change,” the founders say. “In the evolution towards a circular production economy, the reuse and optimization of resources are the paths to follow to reinforce the sustainability of the industry. But this change will require the development of technologies that allow the recovery of waste or the efficiency of the processes.”

All4Zero project will be presented officially on 6 September.

ArcelorMittal’s plan in Spain includes constructing a 2.3 million tonnes/year green hydrogen-based direct reduced iron unit, complemented by a 1.1m t/y hybrid EAF, which will substitute the current blast furnace (see Kallanish passim). The company gave a green light for the EAF investment in early August. The facility is expected to be operational in the second half of 2025.

Todor Kirkov Bulgaria