Northern Europe based reinforcement products supplier B GROUP is to open rebar processing plant with capacity for 20 000 tons per year at the seaport of Loviisa in the south of the Finland. It is their second opened reinforcement service center in Scandinavian countries during one year.
B GROUP started it’s operation in 2009 in Scandinavian countries, becoming 2nd fastest growing construction sector company by 2015 in Europe. Company is operating Scandinavian production units under the brand name of Express steel service in Sweden, Finland and Norway.
Currently it is operating production from 2 different processing plants, one based in home country of the group Lithuania, with operational yearly capacity of 31 000 tons, producing cut and bend bar’s, welded reinforcement, and roll mesh and unit based in Sweden with 24 000 ton yearly capacity.
New reinforcement service opening
On 2017 March company started operating reinforcement service center in Arboga, Sweden and got very positive feedback from the market participants regarding lead times and service quality. According to CEO Donatas Gelazauskas, that was the main reason to expand our productional capacities in other markets.
Now company is launching new reinforcement service center in Loviisa seaport, in Finland and will start production at the new plant on January 29th 2018. Company is planning use machinery supplied by Italian equipment producer M.E.P., based on rebar in coils and straight bars material.
“We are going further with market demand to source the material for construction purposes in shorter lead times and bring more sustainability and comfort for our constantly increasing customer base” CEO Donatas Gelazauskas said.
Further plans
Also on 2018 March B GROUP is planning to launch third reinforcement service center in Scandinavian countries, this time – in Norway.
In overall company plans to raise productional capacity by end of year 2018 up to 130 000 ton from 55 000 operated in 2017, although group has reached total consumption of reinforcement products including, straight bars, re bar in coils and welded meshes of 180 000 tons same year, with a planned groath to reach 300 000 T in 2018.
Till 2021 company is planning to invest about 30 millions euros to infrastructure improvement and production development.