British Steel announced a partnership with the University of Sheffield to further research into producing the highest quality possible of rails for the market, Kallanish learns from a company statement.
“The company, which supplies the majority of the track laid in the UK and exports to major networks across the globe, is working with the University to ensure British manufacturers remain at the forefront of rail technology and innovation,” British Steel said. “The partnership will see British Steel harness new state-of-the-art equipment, alongside the University of Sheffield’s world-renowned metallurgy and mechanical engineering expertise.”
The company alone will contribute to the reasrch program with £1.6 millions ($2.1m) matched and increased by Research England funds.
“This partnership will help ensure British Steel continues to lead the way in developing and building the railways of the future. In a hugely competitive market, we’re committed to enhancing our product range so we can keep meeting and exceeding the high standards operators and travellers rightly demand,” Ron Deelen, ceo of British Steel said. “Product development, integrity and innovation have never been as important, with major rail infrastructure programmes around the world, including HS2, requiring the high-quality products synonymous with the British Steel name. We’re well-placed to supply significant quantities of rail, and constructional steel, into major projects like these and deliver cost-effective solutions to the challenges our customers face.”