French recycling specialist Derichebourg has entered negotiations to buy out Luxembourg-based Ecore group. Ecore Group owns French scrap merchant GDE, Kallanish notes.
Derichebourg intends to buy a 100% shareholding in Ecore. The French group says it benefits from “…top-range financial support” to secure the necessary funds for the acquisition. The merger will be subject to the go ahead of the antitrust authority, Derichebourg observes.
Meanwhile, GDE Ecore Group has bagged a large contract with shipbuilder Chantiers de l’Atlantique for the collection and recycling of 20,000 tonnes of ferrous and non-ferrous waste (see Kallanish 11 January).
GDE Ecore counts 68 sites in France, and it employs 1,339 workers for a turnover in 2019 of €1.16 billion ($1.41 billion). GDE is also purchasing two industrial sites from Suez Group, located in Blainville sur Orne and Saint-Sulpice sur Risle in Normandy. Ecore controls all activities in the recycling chain, from end-of-life material collection to the marketing of new secondary raw materials.
Derichebourg has a turnover of almost €2.5 billion and employs 4,600 workers. Its services cover the collection, management, recycling and recovery of end-of-life equipment and consumer articles, recoverable materials and industrial waste including end-of-life vehicles. Each year it recycles 3.1 million tonnes of ferrous material.