During last EUROMETAL General Assembly in IJmuiden, EUROMETAL debated and decided its strategic orientation for the next three years.
The key topics of EUROMETAL’s future strategic orientation are best summarized by the following chart:
The aforementioned trends become more visible in combination with already well-known cycles in steel business; business becomes more complex by global trends and new technologies. Finally, Distribution/SSC/Trading business are forced to enhance the value chain of steel to all stakeholders in these conditions of rapid change.
Companies with pan European and global focus are organising these trends already in their day-to-day business, partly massively. Question is when will local business also be impacted?
In its research and development of official positions, EUROMETAL plans to focus on these above mentioned global trends and their potential impact on the European Distribution/SSC/Traders business. It will be done in contact with international business groups and associations, by organising international events and communication to share experiences and expectations and by lobbying in cooperation with comparable associations.
All members of EUROMETAL including National Associations will benefit by the outcome of these activities. They can adopt it in their specific business models or regional programs. The more members are attending these activities the more they can influence direction and speed. It creates tailored-made and high added value for all involved stakeholders.