Final investment decisions to the tune of $12 billion have been made to approve the Scarborough and Pluto Train 2 developments in Australia, Kallanish learns from Australian company Woodside.
The Scarborough gas resource is located in the offshore Canarvon Basin, approximately 375km west-north-west of the Burrup Peninsula in Western Australia. A 430km-long steel pipeline will be built to a proposed second liquefied natural gas (LNG) train (Pluto Train 2) at the existing Pluto LNG onshore facility located on the Burrup Peninsula.
Pipe for the project will be produced by Germany’s Europipe beginning in 2022. The pre-material for the large-diameter pipe mill will be supplied by its shareholders, Dillinger and Salzgitter.
Plate from Dillinger was also used to build the Boston Flood Barrier protection system recently commissioned in Boston, UK. The barrier will significantly reduce flood risk for the more than 14,000 homes and 800 businesses in the town of Boston, Dillinger says. The hydraulically operated segmented gate is 29 meters wide, 11 meters high and weighs around 370 tonnes. According to Dillinger, its steel was chosen for the project because of the special dimensions required and the high demands placed on the lock.
Buyers of plate have told Kallanish that especially mills involved in such new energy projects are very well-utilised, which leads to considerable differences in availability and prices between plate mills.
Christian Koehl Germany