Italian stainless steel producer Valbruna is extending production stoppages to fight the coronavirus outbreak. This is in compliance with the measures imposed by the latest decree of the Italian Prime Minister on 22 March and until 3 April, Kallanish learns from the company.
Among the sectors that the government has decided to suspend are also the economic activities pertaining to group 24 of the Italian classification of economic activities (AtEco). This relates to stainless steel manufacturing, from melting to its processing.
As per the decree, up to 25 March the company is allowed to complete the necessary operations for the suspension of its production activities. This includes the shipment of goods in stock at the Vicenza and Bolzano sites as well as stock at peripheral sites located in Italy. Beyond 25 March and until the end of the suspension of activities, shipment of ready-made material available from stock is permitted to specific Italian customers. These must be part of authorised production chains and considered essential by the government, the company says in a note.
At the same time Cogne Acciai Speciali will not restart production this week as previously scheduled but says that it will guarantee the continuity of its customer service, Kallanish notes.