Niedax, a producer of cable protection systems, has started sourcing and processing certified Optemis Carbon Lite steel from Tata Steel UK.
This week, the first coil was delivered to the steel centre in Schwerte, Germany operated by Niedax subsidiary Boecker Stahl-Service GmbH, Kallanish learns from Niedax. The maker of cable tray systems from steel sheet received hot-dip galvanized coils of 22 tonnes. It informs that CO2 emissions in the production of material were reduced by 85% in the course of an independently certified in-setting process.
The CO2-emission-reduced steel enables Niedax to manufacture cable management systems for large infrastructure projects in its own steel service centre with a significantly more favourable carbon footprint, it says. In the coming weeks, the Niedax Group expects further deliveries of Optemis Carbon Lite steel.
Anil Jhanji, chief commercial officer of Tata Steel UK, calls the partnership “with a leading international company like Niedax an important step on our journey to carbon-neutral steel”. Niedax chief executive Bruno Reufels adds: “We are already registering initial interest from consumer-related sectors such as the construction and automotive industries.”
Christian Koehl Germany