The Executive Board reports on the development of the business volume as of August 2018 as follows: The excellent business performance in the reporting period already led to the EUR 2.0 billion mark being exceeded in August. At EUR 2,021.6 million, the business volume was exceeded by EUR 420.2 million or 26.2% compared with the previous year. The number of specialist retail partners has also been increased by 50 compared with 31.12.2017 to now 1,052 retail partners.
Development of business volume with regard to the business areas:
The Steel business unit generated a business volume of EUR 802.4 million in August, exceeding the previous year’s figure by 32.7%. The positive development continues to result, in equal parts, from an increase in the tonnage sold and a higher price level compared with the previous year. In the Construction-Crafts Industry Division, the previous year’s figure of EUR 745.7 million was also significantly exceeded by 25.6%. The development in the Domestic Engineering business area also continues to be positive. Although the overall development, with a business volume of EUR 122.3 million in August, is 9.2% below the previous year’s level. However, excluding the former retail partners and based on existing customers and new acquisitions, the division is able to improve on the previous year by 12.6%.