Outokumpu, thyssenkrupp sign first buyer for Circle Green

The new partnership between Outokumpu and thyssenkrupp Materials Processing Europe to market low-emission steel (see Kallanish 26 June) has won its first customer in a German automotive supplier.

Purem by Eberspaecher, a specialist in exhaust technology and acoustic solutions, will use Outokumpu Circle Green supplied by tk Materials. According to Outokumpu, average global CO₂ emissions are 6.1 tonnes of CO₂ per tonne of stainless steel. It claims that its Circle Green is made with CO₂ emissions of up to 0.5t of CO₂ per tonne of stainless steel, which equals a reduction by 92% compared with the industry average.

“We are happy to start the collaboration with Purem by Eberspaecher, offering solutions for both private transport and commercial vehicles, to strive more sustainable mobility in Europe,” Niklas Wass, executive vice president of Outokumpu Stainless Europe, says in a note seen by Kallanish.

The Circle Green material will be supplied to the service centres of tk Materials, which will process the master coil into slit strips, and manage the just-in-time delivery to Purem by Eberspaecher.

The German supplier is part of the larger Eberspaecher Group and works for all automotive manufacturers globally. With 7,100 staff, it makes exhaust and thermal management systems as well as automotive controls. In 2022, it achieved a net revenue of €1.9 billion ($2.1 billion).

Christian Koehl Germany