ResponsibleSteel certifies ArcelorMittal Zaragoza plant

ResponsibleSteel has awarded ArcelorMittal Spain a certification for developing high-quality standards for steel production at its Zaragoza plant, Kallanish learns from the steelmaker. The unit produces different types of components with special characteristics using high‑quality laser‑welded steel blanks for the automotive sector.

“This achievement has given us great satisfaction since we were selected as the pilot plant among all the European subsidiaries of the Tailored Blanks division, and after all the effort deployed, we have been able to fulfil all the required standards,” says ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks Zaragoza director of operations Tomás Ramos.

The certification process included an independent audit by Norwegian company Det Norske Veritas (DNV) over a one-year period.

The plant becomes the fifth ArcelorMittal facility in Spain to have ResponsibleSteel certification.

This certification was created in 2019 and relies on 12 environmental, social and governance criteria. It focuses not only on decarbonisation processes but also on respect for human rights, labour rights, and local communities, as well as a larger spectrum of ESG principles.

Todor Kirkov Bulgaria