Rogesa, the joint pig iron works owned by Dillinger Hütte and Saarstahl in Germany’s Saarland, has begun hydrogen-based steel production.
According to the companies, the Dillingen works is the first site in Germany that uses hydrogen as a reducing agent in a blast furnace in normal operation. This is accomplished by injecting hydrogen-rich coke gas.
“We can further reduce our carbon emissions on the basis of this technology while gaining important experience in using hydrogen in steel production,” explains technology director Martin Baues. “The plant will enable us in the next step to use pure hydrogen in both blast furnaces.”
The investment in the new technology has amounted to €14 million ($16.5m), Kallanish understands.
“Our ambitious goal is to reduce carbon emissions by 40% by 2035,” says the mill group’s ceo Tim Hartmann.
At a visit of German economy minister Peter Altmaier last week, Hartmann demanded that the political framework for this must still be created this year.
“The German government’s Steel Action Plan and the current German presidency of the EU Council provide the framework for Berlin and Brussels have to demonstrate their commitment to the Green Deal,“ he said.