Dillinger and Vattenfall sign MOU on wind projects

Platemaker Dillinger and energy group Vattenfall Europe Windkraft have signed a declaration of intent to accelerate the use of CO2-reduced steel in future wind projects.

For Dillinger, creating early demand for CO2-reduced steel is crucial to advancing investment in this technology and the decarbonisation of the steel industry, Kallanish hears from the steelmaker.

“We are investing around €4.6 billion ($4.8 billion) in the decarbonisation of our German production sites with the support of the federal and state governments,” says Stefan Rauber, Dillinger ceo.

“The fact that Vattenfall wants to implement its ambitious climate targets with this steel indicates to us the demand for CO2-reduced steel and gives us momentum for our Power4Steel decarbonisation project.”

“The use of CO2-reduced steel, especially in our offshore wind farms, is an important lever in achieving our sustainability goal,” says Samira Barakat, vice president of partnerships and business transformation at Vattenfall.

Christian Koehl Germany
