EU announces funding for steel, coal innovation

The European Commission has announced a €175 million ($182m) budget for the 2025 Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS), aiming to advance innovation and facilitate the transition in these sectors.

The funding includes two major calls, or “big tickets,” set to launch in February. The steel sector will receive €100m for projects focused on breakthrough technologies, such as carbon capture, storage, and usage, process intensification, and CO2-neutral iron ore reduction.

Meanwhile, €35m will support coal sector initiatives, including the re-purposing of closed mines, waste treatment, methane monitoring, and the recycling of critical raw materials.

An additional €40m annual call covering both sectors will open in June. Beneficiaries of the funding will include universities, research centres, and private companies.

The RFCS programme aligns with the European Green Deal’s goal of achieving EU climate neutrality by 2050, emphasising clean technologies and just transition in coal mining regions, Kallanish notes.

Elina Virchenko UAE