Thyssenkrupp will cut up to 750 additional jobs in administration and production-related areas of its Steel unit, in addition to cutbacks announced shortly before the advent of Covid-19.
The group has to that purpose reached a new agreement with union IG Metall and representatives of the workforce, Kallanish learns. Last year’s “Future Pact for Steel” deal covered 3,000 jobs, which will be gradually reduced until 2026. “The Future Pact for Steel concluded in March 2020 was made at the beginning of the pandemic and did not reflect its economic consequences,” the company states.
“This joint effort is imperative as a result of the coronavirus pandemic,” says Markus Grolms, labour director at thyssenkrupp Steel. “The clear message now is: We are moving forward together and want to secure the best possible position in the European market to safeguard many good jobs at Steel over the long term.”
The group sees the future of steel activities in premium, higher-strength products, further optimised coatings and thinner, more efficient products for e-mobility. “We are therefore systematically addressing our focus markets in the automotive and high-end industrial segments,” says tk Steel ceo Bernhard Osburg.
The group recently announced a major investment in the conversion of the Duisburg casting-rolling line and the facilities in Bochum. “In the future, as part of the transformation to climate-neutral steel, we plan to offer all products in ‘green’ as well,” Osburg notes.
Christian Koehl Germany