Turkey already exhausts various EU first-quarter product quotas

The number of requests awaiting allocation for certain product category imports into the EU already exceeds the permitted first-quarter safeguard quota for those products, indicating the quota is already exhausted. Among the products in this situation is Turkish rebar, Kallanish notes.

As of close on 5 January, 63,555 tonnes of Turkish-origin rebar imports were awaiting allocation by the European Commission, compared to the Q1 quota of 60,592t, according to the Commission’s tariff quota consultation portal.

Merchant bars and light sections imports from Turkey awaiting allocation meanwhile were 87,228t versus the quota of 64,157t. Hollow sections imports from Turkey awaiting allocation were 86,910t versus the quota of 68,575t. Turkish-origin hot rolled coil had 280,741t awaiting allocation versus the quota of 323,205t, suggesting it could be exhausted soon.

Various Indian-origin products have also already exhausted or are about to exhaust EU quotas. Cold rolled coil imports from this destination awaiting allocation were 163,795t versus their Q1 quota of 147,656t. Category 4A coated sheet imports from India awaiting allocation were 76,141t versus the quota of 48,560t. Organic coated sheet imports from India awaiting allocation were 125,255t versus the quota of 71,152t.

Category 4B coated sheet imports from China awaiting allocation meanwhile were 181,830t versus the quota of 116,083t.

Adam Smith Germany