Vattenfall to source SSAB fossil-free steel

SSAB has agreed to deliver fossil-free steel to energy group Vattenfall produced using feedstock from Hybrit, the green ironmaking joint venture in which both companies participate.

In addition to Hybrit, Vattenfall and SSAB are thus starting another in-depth collaboration, the firms say. LKAB is the other Hybrit joint venture partner, Kallanish notes.

Vattenfall needs high-strength steel for several different components, which SSAB will supply. According to the plan, Vattenfall will gain access to fossil-free steel, produced using sponge iron from the Hybrit pilot plant, as early as next year. The volume of delivered steel will increase once production is scaled up.

Vattenfall plans to start developing pilots next year, with potential applications including power line pylons, hydroelectric dams, grid stations, anchoring structures for onshore wind power and parts of foundations for offshore wind power.

Vattenfall also aims to work with subcontractors that use fossil-free steel, and in doing so, will require that at least 10% of the steel that Vattenfall purchases each year be fossil-free from 2030. Vattenfall and SSAB will also collaborate on sustainability calculations and the life cycle assessment (LCA) method of calculating CO2 emissions to ensure an entire fossil-free value chain.

Christian Koehl Germany