Italian car output lowered in February again after having also fallen in January. The trend in production seen in February is continuing the fall seen in 2018, Kallanish learns from local carmakers’ association Associazione Nazionale Filiera Industria Automobilistica (Anfia).
According to preliminary data, passenger car production decreased in February by a significant -11% compared to February 2018. Overall in first two months of the year production fell by -18% year-on-year.
Although no numbers have been disclosed by Anfia, Italian car output in January 2018 was 50,000 units and 60,000 units in February 2018. Kallanish calculates that February 2019 output would therefore have been around 53,400 units.
Car production in Italy slowed significantly in 2018 by -10% year-on-year to 671,000 units. The country’s total production of vehicles including heavy transport was 1.06 million units, down by -7% y-o-y.