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Acciaierie d’Italia (ADI)’s commissioners aim to produce 3.5 million tonnes of steel in 2025...
Tata Steel Nederland is investigating how a new generation of supporting structures for wind...
The European Steel Association (EUROFER) has published a statement to support the industry...
The EU’s impending measures to boost industry competitiveness have come too late after years of...
German carmakers and automotive suppliers might have to reconsider their method of negotiating with...
European hot rolled coil prices were flat Jan. 31, with market participants remaining mixed about...
Automotive steel suppliers in northwestern Europe have reason for concern as they might again end up...
Spanish company Grupo Soledad (GS) has entered the steel sector with the acquisition of Aceros y...
European long steel prices remained largely stable Jan. 29, as mills sought to push offers higher...
Domestic European hot-rolled coil prices remained largely stable Jan. 30, despite a combination of...
Low consumption by the construction sector continued to inhibit trading in the Northern European...
The European green steel market remained at standstill in the seven days to Thursday January 30;...