At a meeting of the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) on 8 January, WTO members formally adopted the panel and Appellate Body reports in a case brought by Turkey regarding anti-dumping measures imposed by Morocco on imports of certain hot-rolled steel products from Turkey.
The panel report, circulated to WTO members on 31 October 2018, found that Moroccan authorities had violated several provisions of the WTO’s Anti-Dumping Agreement in their investigation on the targeted Turkish imports. On 20 November 2018 Morocco notified its decision to appeal certain panel findings.
On 4 December 2019, the Chair of the Appellate Body informed the DSB that it had received a letter from Morocco indicating the withdrawal of its appeal. The Appellate Body issued its report on 10 December stating that, in view of Morocco’s withdrawal of the appeal, it had completed its work and that the 30-day period for the DSB’s formal adoption of the ruling began from the circulation of the Appellate Body report.
The DSB adopted the panel report and Appellate Body report. Morocco will now have 30 days to inform the DSB of its intentions in regards to the implementation of the ruling.
More background on the dispute is available here.