Steel rebar, wire rod prices stable in Poland amid lack of activity
The most recent rebar offers from three local producers were heard at 2,660-2,680 zloty ($656-661) per tonne CPT (about 2,630-2,650 zloty per tonne ex-works), while estimates of workable prices were in the range of 2,600-2,650 zloty per tonne ex-works, depending on the tonnage.
No fresh bookings had been heard by the time of publication.
Consequently, Fastmarkets’ weekly price assessment for steel reinforcing bar (rebar), domestic, exw Poland, was 2,600-2,650 zloty per tonne on August 11, stable week on week.
Wire rod
Recent offers from local steelmakers of low-carbon, drawing-quality wire rod were reported at 2,800-2,900 zloty per tonne CPT, unchanged since late July, but the upper end of that range was considered unworkable by most customers.
Workable prices were estimated to be around 2,750 zloty per tonne CPT, with some deals from a key producer heard at this price.
Fastmarkets’ weekly price assessment for steel wire rod (drawing quality), domestic, delivered Poland, was 2,750-2,800 zloty per tonne on August 11, unchanged over the past month.
Offers of wire rod imports into Poland were also limited in the assessment week, with European mills out of the market for maintenance work or other stoppages.
Ukraine-origin mesh-quality wire rod was heard to be available at €600-610 ($660-671) per tonne CPT, depending on the supplier.
Published by: Vlada Novokreshchenova