The International Steel Traders Association (ISTA) has recruited at least 15 new members so far in 2018, mainly in Germany, but also including some in Benelux countries.
Earlier this year, London-based ISTA established a permanent office in Germany. This was the first such move into mainland Europe, with Bernd Klages of Düsseldorf-based trader Amtex as the representative.
Previously, ISTA had a primarily UK-based membership, and had also established itself in Singapore. It has around one hundred member companies in the UK, and some 25 through its Singapore office, according to chairwoman Simone Jordan.
The Düsseldorf bureau was set up particularly with the intention of winning more members in Germany and its western neighbouring countries, Jordan tells Kallanish. It is enthusiastic about the relatively high number of new members that have joined the association in little more than half a year.
“Earlier on, we did training sessions and events, but we became more active and exposed over the last 2-3 years when we were taking on the European Commission in the antidumping/safeguarding trade cases,” she says, explaining how ISTA has been developing.
Besides traders, ISTA has also mills amongst its membership, including Tata, Liberty House, ArcelorMittal, Salzgitter, and Marcegaglia. Apart from the latter, the association has not yet extended its reach to southern and eastern Europe however.