Celsa Atlantic, the rolling and processing mill in northern Spain controlled by Celsa group, is suffering this week from a set of strikes affecting overall production.
Local trade unions confirm that almost all workers at the mill participated in the 24 hour-long strike held on Monday. A second 24-hour strike will be implemented on 30 June and further 16-hour strikes have been called for 3 and 10 July.
Unions have called the strikes to demonstrate against the fact that the mill’s management has not agreed a new collective labour agreement since 2019, Kallanish notes.
In a statement, unions also express concerns over the future of the plant as they calculate production is now at 50% of the installed 1 million tonnes/year capacity, despite demand being strong. Market sources have nevertheless pointed out that the current production level has been stable for the last five years at least, indicating therefore that it is not something linked with a strategy change within the company.
“One of the demands of the labour committee is the utilisation of the parts of the facilities that are stopped and a real investment plan that will guarantee the future of the factory,” trade unions say.
Celsa Atlantic produces light long products for the construction sector, rolling mainly billet sourced from the group’s EAF mill in France.
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