Rotterdam reports lower crude, higher box and dry bulk volumes in H1

Total cargo volume at port of Rotterdam — Europe’s largest port by throughput — were almost flat on the year during the first half of 2024, with lower crude throughput offset by higher container and dry bulk volumes, the port authority said July 18.

The port authority reported a total throughput of 220 million mt in January-June, marginally lower than 220.7 million mt in the same period of last year.

Total crude throughput at the Dutch port fell 5.8% to 48.9 million mt in the six months, with maintenance at some Rotterdam refineries in the first quarter, according to the authority.

Volumes of mineral oil products rose 4.7% to 28.6 million mt, while LNG marginally increased by 0.3% to 6 million mt, port data shows.

Container throughput increased to 67.1 million mt from 64.4 million mt, equivalent to a gain to 6.8 million twenty-foot equivalent units from 6.7 million TEU, due to increasing consumer demand and an early peak season, according to the authority.

Total dry bulk volumes rose 2.1% to 35.5 million mt, mainly driven by higher throughput volumes of iron ore and scrap, according to the authority.

Iron ore and scrap throughput increased by 12.6% to 14.6 million mt, driven by higher steel and iron production in Germany, the authority said.

Throughput of coal decreased by 19.7% to 10 million mt due to low demand for thermal coal for power generation, according to the authority. Agribulk volumes fell by 19.3% to 4.8 million mt amid low demand for soybeans as some food-processing moved to the US, the authority said.

“After a period of economic uncertainty, we see demand for raw materials and consumer products starting to increase,” Boudewijn Siemons, CEO of the port authority, said in a half-year report.

“Whether that trend will continue in other segments will depend partly on the pace of the European industry’s recovery in the coming months.”

Throughput of main goods (mil mt)


H1 2024 H1 2023 Change %
Liquid bulk 101.6 104.8 -3.1
Crude oil 48.9 51.8 -5.8
Oil products 28.6 27.3 4.7
LNG 6.0 5.9 0.3
Agribulk 4.8 6.0 -19.3
Coal 10.0 12.4 -19.7
Iron ore, scrap 14.6 13.0 12.6
Containers 67.1 54.4 4.2


Source: Port of Rotterdam